White stripes and boards were installed in Visavadar Bilkha Road

Visavadar 14th: Tim Gabbar KH Gajera of Gujarat and local advocate Nayanbhai Joshi of Visavadar to the Chief Minister, Secretary, Roads and Building Department Executive Engineer (State) Junagadh etc. Introduced on 09/08/91 to put up sign boards in the bends between Visavadar and Bilkha Road and to put up traffic signs, radium stickers and even if a new road is constructed, any kind of board or sign board or kilometer on this road. Complaining in PG Portal not to put the turn board, he demanded that Visavadar-Bilkha road be made new.

White stripes and boards were installed in Visavadar Bilkha Road
White stripes and boards were installed in Visavadar Bilkha Road

Since this road is newly constructed, it is understandable that any vehicle is coming at speed. If there are many curves, spiral curves, bridges, straight roads, turn roads, other roads coming on this road, sign boards should be put up as per the rules. R & B The department or other department did not notice this, so the sign of radium, which is easily visible to people who drive early at night, was demanded to put up a sign board in all the curved places immediately. The presentation further states that any new road has to be fitted with lights at the bottom of the road and curves and speed breakers must be of a certain height and shape. It is mandatory to draw white stripes on them. The rules are not strictly followed. Unnecessary extra height of the speed breaker can lead to an increase in accidents. Speedbreakers on this road should be fitted with radium boards so that the driver can detect the speed breaker in front and maintain the balance of the vehicle and stop the accident. A written reply to the action taken under the submission was requested to be sent to Tim Gabbar’s correspondence address under the civil rights letter.

Shortly after that presentation, R&B There is a feeling of happiness even among the people who started the work of putting up white stripes and sign boards with immediate effect after correcting their mistake on the knees of the department.