Top 5 Best Jamin Napne ka App

किसान जिनके पास खेत है और वो उसमें गेंहू, मक्का, धान, चुकंदर उगाते है और उन्हें है साल नए सिरे से जमीं का नाप करना पड़ता है इ अप्प उनके लिए सबसे अच्छा है.

दोस्तों आज से पहले जहां जमीन नापने के लिए हमें अमीन को बुलाना पड़ता था वो ही आज की बदलती इस Technology की दौर में तरह-तरह- के जमीन नापने का Apps तरह-तरह के platform पर मौजूद है जिसकी मदद से आप अपने जमीन का नपाई कर के वास्तविक Data प्राप्त कर सकते है।

लेकिन ध्यान देने वाली बात यह है कि इस फील्ड में भी आज हमारे साथ Frowd हो रही है जिसके कारण हमें वास्तविक डेटा प्राप्त नही हो पाता है। इसीलिए आज मै आपको 100% Real and Trusted Apps के बारे में बताने वाला हूँ जिसकी मदद से आप अपनी जमीन का नपाई कर के वास्तविक डेटा प्राप्त कर सकते है। 

सबसे बड़े जमीन मापक App की मदद से अपनी जमीन की नपाई करें। यह App लाखों लोगों की अपनी जमीन नापने में मदद करती है। आप इस App की मदद से अपने जमीन का चौहदी भी माप सकते है और साथी-साथ यह भी जान सकते है कि जमीन की कौनसी भाग कौनसी चीज़ के लिए उत्तरदायी है। 

यहाँ क्लिक करके ऐप डाऊनलोड करे

How to download Jamin Napne Wala App, and which is the 5 Best Jameen Napne Ka Apps, and with that, we will know how to measure land from mobile, friends, nowadays even in villages, all people use smartphones.

1- GPS Fields Area Measure

Friends GPS Fields Area Measure is the most popular land measuring app ever, this app provides the best tool to measure land and area, while this app measures the area with 95% accuracy.

This app allows you to measure area with the help of GPS, with the help of this app you can easily measure area, distance and perimeter, this app is developed by Farmis Tool.

This land surveying app has been downloaded by more than 10M people on Google Playstore, while it has received a 4.3 review rating by people, if you are looking for a land surveying app,

So this app can be beneficial for you, if you want to download this land measuring app, you can download this app with the help of the below link.

Features of this app
It is a popular area measuring app.
This app provides 95% accuracy for area measurement.
With the help of this app, you can measure area / area quickly.
This app is easy to use.
Edit name, save, group and measure with the help of this app.
Measure distance and perimeter with the best tool.
You can see the area you have measured.
The measured area can also be saved and shared.
Smart marker mode is available for very precise pin placement.

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2- GPS Area Calculator

Friends GPS Area Calculator is also a popular land measuring app, this app also measures area with 93% or more accuracy, and you can easily measure area, distance and perimeter with the help of this app.

In this app you can also save and share the measured area, this app is developed by KBK INFOSOFT, more than 5M people have downloaded this land measuring app on google playstore.

While it has got a 3.9 review rating by people, if you are looking for a land measuring app then this app can also be useful for you.

If you want to download this land measuring app, you can download this app with the help of the link below.

Features of this app

This app is also a great area measuring app.
This app provides 93% accuracy for area and area measurement.
With this app you can measure area in just 2 minutes.
Smart marker mode is also available for super precise pin placement.
This app can also measure distance and perimeter with best features.
In this app, restore and backup options are also available.
Map, Satellite, Terrain and Hybrid Mode – Area search facility.
The measured area can also be saved and shared.

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3- Area Calculator for Land

Friends, Area Calculator for Land is also an excellent land measuring app, this app also provides excellent accuracy, and you can easily measure area, distance and perimeter with the help of this app.

This is a real time area measuring app, this app is developed by, more than 10 lakh people have downloaded this land measuring app on google playstore.

While it has got a 3.9 review rating by people, in this app you can also save the measured area, if you are looking for a land measuring app then this app can also be useful for you.

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